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Product Overview

Pro Pachaka is a comprehensive digestive support formulation rooted in the ancient principles of SVAFF Ayurveda. This enhanced tridoshic variation of Dadimastak Churn—a traditional Ayurvedic digestive blend—is meticulously crafted to balance all three doshas without aggravating pitta, making it suitable for all physiological constitutions. Pro Pachaka not only enhances the body’s digestive fire, or "Agni," but also provides targeted support for the throat, chest, stomach, small intestine, and colon. By addressing these key areas, it helps soothe sour stomach, pacify the colon, and support overall digestive harmony.

The unique blend of ingredients in Pro Pachaka works synergistically to optimize nutrient assimilation, eliminate ama (toxins), and maintain gut health. Unlike many digestive formulations, Pro Pachaka ensures no heat is introduced into the system, making it ideal for individuals prone to pitta imbalances. By targeting multiple digestive organs and pathways, Pro Pachaka ensures comprehensive support from the throat to the colon, helping to alleviate discomfort, improve nutrient absorption, and sustain overall digestive balance.

Relevance to Charak Samhita

The Charak Samhita emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy digestive fire (Agni) as the foundation of health and vitality. Key references include:

  • Digestive Fire (अग्नि): "अग्निस्य पोषणं आयुषः मूलम्" ("Nourishment of the digestive fire is the root of longevity.")

  • Toxin Reduction (अम नाशन): "अम दोषस्य शोधनं आरोग्यं" ("Eliminating ama restores balance and promotes health.")

  • Metabolic Balance (चय अपचय संतुलन): "चय अपचय संतुलनं स्वास्थ्यस्य आधारः" ("Balanced metabolism is the foundation of health.")

  • Sour Stomach Relief (अम्लपित्त): "अम्लपित्तस्य शमनं शीतलं औषधं" ("Cooling remedies pacify sourness in the stomach and pitta-related imbalances.")

  • Dadimastak Churn (दाडिमस्तक चूर्ण): "दाडिमस्तकं पित्तविकार शमनं" ("Dadimastak Churn alleviates pitta imbalances and supports digestion.")

Key Ingredients

  1. Jaggery (गुड़): Enhances digestion and helps stimulate the digestive fire.

  2. Yewari (पिप्पली मूल): Supports gut health and assists in reducing bloating.

  3. Coriander (धनिया): Cools the stomach, pacifies pitta, and aids digestion.

Directions for General Use:

Take one capsule three times per day, after each meal for 15 days, then two tablets after each meal three times per day as needed, or as recommended by your ayurvedic healthcare practitioner.


It is recommended that you consult with your physician before using this supplement, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or managing a chronic health condition. This product is not intended for use in children under 10 years of age.

Ingredients List

  • Jaggery (गुड़): Stimulates digestive fire and supports regular digestion.

  • Yewari (पिप्पली मूल): Promotes gut health and reduces bloating.

  • Coriander (धनिया): Cools and soothes the stomach, aiding in digestion.

  • Long Pepper Root (पिप्पली): Enhances nutrient absorption and supports metabolic processes.

  • White Cumin (सफेद जीरा): Helps regulate digestion and alleviate discomfort.

  • Trikatu (त्रिकटु): Stimulates digestion and helps balance metabolism.

  • Pomegranate (अनार): Supports gut health and acts as a cooling agent.

  • Cinnamon (दालचीनी): Promotes digestive balance and enhances flavor.

  • Patra (पात्र): A traditional Ayurvedic herb supporting digestive health.

  • Nagkesar (नागकेसर): Balances digestive enzymes and aids in nutrient absorption.

  • Vanshalochan (वंशलोचन): Enhances digestion and maintains gut harmony.

Encased in a vegetarian capsule to maintain purity and adherence to Ayurvedic principles.


Available in 60 ct capsules.

FDA Disclaimer

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information is intended to be informational and educational only and should not be used to replace or complement medical advice.