
High Pitta Triphala

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Product Overview

High Pitta Triphala is a specialized SVAFF Ayurvedic formulation tailored to support individuals with elevated to severe aggravations in the pitta dosha. This gentle yet effective blend of Triphala ingredients is designed to cool and balance the body while promoting digestion, detoxification, and overall well-being. It helps soothe the effects of excess heat in the body, supports bowel regularity, and enhances the natural intelligence of the body's detox pathways.

Triphala is a classical Ayurvedic formulation that combines three fruits—amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki—to detoxify and reestablish the intelligence of the body's elimination channels. While Triphala is generally balanced and gentle, its natural warmth can sometimes be too heating for individuals with high pitta constitutions. For these individuals, Vaidya Mishra developed High Pitta Triphala, a unique formulation designed to address these sensitivities.

This special formula uses shade-dried “baby haritaki,” which carries less agni (fire energy) than fully matured haritaki. Additionally, organic rose and fennel are synergistically infused to further cool and pacify pitta dosha. These cooling companions allow the remaining ingredients to initiate bowel cleansing without aggravating or irritating pitta. High Pitta Triphala is especially beneficial for those experiencing signs of high pitta, such as heat-related digestive issues, inflammation, or irritability. This gentle yet effective formula restores harmony to the body's systems and promotes a sense of calm and equilibrium.

Relevance to Charak Samhita:

  • Tridoshic Balance (त्रिदोष संतुलन):

    • Sanskrit: त्रिफला त्रिदोष संतुलन प्रदान करती है।

    • English: "Triphala promotes balance across all three doshas, with a focus on cooling and soothing pitta."

  • Pitta-Pacifying (पित्त शामक):

    • Sanskrit: पित्त शामक औषधीय गुण।

    • English: "The cooling properties of Triphala ingredients help pacify excess pitta in the body."

  • Detoxification (शोधन):

    • Sanskrit: शरीर से विषाक्त पदार्थों का शोधन।

    • English: "Aids in the gentle elimination of toxins and supports the digestive fire (agni)."

  • Haritaki (हरीतकी):

    • Sanskrit: हरीतकी पाचन को उत्तम बनाती है।

    • English: "Haritaki enhances digestion and supports detoxification by gently cleansing the tissues."

  • Amalaki (आमलकी):

    • Sanskrit: आमलकी शरीर को शीतलता प्रदान करती है।

    • English: "Amalaki provides cooling effects and nourishes the body while balancing pitta."

  • Bibhitaki (बिभीतकी):

    • Sanskrit: बिभीतकी शरीर को विषाक्त पदार्थों से मुक्त करती है।

    • English: "Bibhitaki aids in detoxifying the body and balancing doshas, especially pitta."

Why Use This Product?

  • Balances pitta dosha and cools the body.

  • Promotes healthy digestion and metabolism.

  • Supports gentle detoxification and bowel regularity.

  • Reduces heat and inflammation in the body.

  • Enhances natural detox pathways for overall vitality.

Key Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Amalaki (आमलकी): Rich in vitamin C, it cools and soothes pitta dosha while supporting digestive health.

  • Haritaki (हरीतकी): Gently detoxifies and rejuvenates tissues, promoting overall well-being.

  • Bibhitaki (बिभीतकी): Aids in detoxification and balances all three doshas, particularly pitta.

Directions for General Use: Take one capsule at bedtime with warm water, or as recommended by your Ayurvedic healthcare practitioner.

Size: Available in 60 count capsules or 90 count capsules.

Cautions/Contraindications: It is recommended to consult with your physician before using this supplement, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or have pre-existing medical conditions. Not suitable for children under 10 years of age.

Ingredients List:

  • Wild Amla (आमलकी): Nourishes and cools pitta dosha while supporting immune and digestive health.

  • Haritaki (हरीतकी): Gently detoxifies and rejuvenates tissues, aiding in overall vitality.

  • Bibhitaki (बिभीतकी): Helps detoxify the body, balancing all three doshas, particularly pitta.

  • Rose (गुलाब): Naturally cooling, it pacifies pitta dosha and supports emotional balance.

  • Fennel (सौंफ): Promotes digestion and provides additional cooling benefits.

Encased in a vegetarian capsule to maintain purity and adherence to Ayurvedic principles.

This product and statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is intended to be informational and educational only and should not be used to replace or complement medical advice.